- Relational Wisdom | Ken Sande | Biblical Emotional Intelligence | Peacemaking | Institute Christian Conciliation | Reconciliation - https://rw360.org -

Have You Ever Been This Kind?

When was the last time you did something that was so amazingly kind that others will remember your actions the rest of their lives?

If it’s been awhile, I encourage you to take two minutes to watch a video clip of some young men who refused to play basketball against another team … as an act of incredible kindness. (If a screen does not appear below, click here [1].)

As Hudson Bradley, the young Vanguard player, said: “We all need someone to believe in us. We all need someone who knows our mistakes and loves us anyway.”

Isn’t that how Jesus loves you and me? He not only knows our mistakes and sins … he paid for them with his very life.

And even though we keep making the same mistakes and sins over and over, he loves us anyway and continues to lavish his kindness on us day after day (Rom. 5:8; Luke 6:35; Eph. 2:4-7).

How can you say thank you for such extravagant kindness?

One way is to ask God to open your eyes to see opportunities today to display the same type of kindness that the students at Vanguard showed to the players from Gainesville.

And if someone asks you why you did it, don’t miss the opportunity to tell them about the lavish kindness of Jesus Christ.

– Ken Sande

Reflection Questions

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© 2015 Ken Sande

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