2021 RW360 Conference Sessions Overview
Forgiveness, Justice and Sowing Peace
There’s a lot of conversation today about justice and the need for peacemakers. In other quarters there’s a lot of talk about emotionally healthy spirituality. Where do these seemingly unrelated conversations overlap? Christian peacemaking begins with forgiveness. Pursuing justice without a heart of forgiveness will not lead to peace. Likewise, the crucible for emotional health is found in the ability to forgive, as the Bible says, from the heart. Forgiveness is the unique gift that followers of Jesus have to offer to the world today. And yet, far too often forgiveness is bypassed or only given lip-service. Forgiveness may be mentioned, or taken for granted, but many Christians seem to have forgotten what it entails. This talk will be in two parts (one of which is the Sunday sermon), covering what forgiveness is not, what it is, and how we can become forgiving men and women, peacemakers who love justice and sow in peace and make peace.
Session Leader: Rankin Wilbourne
Location/Times: Conference Schedule