What would your church do if it was suddenly asked to resolve conflicts like these among your members?
- A couple has lost their baby through the negligence of two nurses
- A man has confessed to molesting several children in your youth ministry
- Several adult siblings are bitterly feuding over their mother’s estate, nearly coming blows
- A tense dispute between your pastor and elders is threatening to split the church
These are real cases that well-trained churches have not only resolved successfully but also used to display the reconciling power of Jesus and his gospel (full stories below).
Just think how grateful and blessed your people would be if your leaders had the training and skills to manage unity-threatening conflicts like these.
Just think how your witness in your community would be enhanced if your church had a reputation for this kind effective peacemaking.
You can start building these skills and this reputation today by sending two or more church members to RW360’s Relational Wisdom Summit [1] on June 13-14. This training will not only help your church to develop powerful relational and peacemaking skills but also lay the groundwork for equipping members to take these life-changing principles out into your community to enhance outreach, evangelism and church growth [2].
Are you doubtful that churches can deal with serious conflict, even legal conflicts, in ways that promote peace and exalt Christ? If so, please read these true case stories.
- How Can You Forgive Me? I Killed Your Baby [3]
- A Better Ways to Handle Abuse [4]
- Turning Assault into Reconciliation [5]
- A Wave of Confessions Saves a Church [6]
If you would like to see your church display this kind of peacemaking, please register for the RW Summit today [1].
~ Ken Sande
Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.
© 2024 Ken Sande
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