2021 Annual Conference FAQs
Four Relational Disciplines- Key Terms
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Relational Wisdom
To put it another way, relational wisdom (RW) is a six-part theological system that combines the gospel, the wisdom-principles of God’s Word and our God-given capacity for “emotional intelligence” into a discipleship paradigm for building and preserving Christ-like relationships. Each of the following disciplines fits within this paradigm (dig deeper here).
Biblical peacemaking
RW Skills Coaching
Christian Conciliation
To learn how you can improve your ability to integrate these skills, see Pre-Conference Integration Training.
Speakers & Workshops
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Who are the speakers for this conference?
The Blues Brothers
One of the most exciting things about this conference is that “we’re putting the band back together.” No, this doesn’t mean we’re making a new version of The Blues Brothers. It means that we’ve invited outstanding trainers and long-time friends from a variety of highly respected ministries to participate in our workshops, plenary sessions and advanced training.
At this point, our roster includes Claude Allen, Bruce Burgess, Paul Cornwell, Patti Damiani, Jeff Forrey, the RW Team, Ted Kober, David Mason, David Mikulsky, Susan Milsapps, Allison Pickering, Dennis Reiter, Corlette and Ken Sande, Rick Stein, Daniel Teater and Chip Zimmer.
We thank God for the outstanding wisdom and experience that these trainers will bring to our conference, and we rejoice in the fact that we are “of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind” (Phil. 2:2) to exalt Christ and strengthen his church through the ministry of gospel-based peacemaking.
For detailed information on our keynote and workshop speakers, click here.
For detailed information on keynote and workshop content, click here.
Pre-Conference Integration Training
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What are the benefits of integrating relational wisdom, biblical peacemaking, RW Skills coaching and Christian conciliation?
Is the Pre-Conference Integration Training available to individuals who want to serve as volunteers on a Peace Sower Team?
Why is previous training in relational wisdom, conflict coaching and mediation required in order to participate in the Pre-Conference Integration Training?
How much previous training is required to attend the Pre-Conference Integration Training?
When will RW360’s new courses on conflict coaching and mediation be available?
What are some of the unique features of RW360’s new conciliator training and certification program?
First, this program will use the “4 G’s” paradigm (as set forth in Ken Sande’s book, The Peacemaker) as the primary organizing structure for the conciliation process.
Second, this program will incorporate the relational wisdom (RW) paradigm, which is a God-centered, biblically-based and gospel-driven form of “emotional intelligence.” In addition to enhancing conflict coaching and mediation skills, RW principles may be taught and applied through “RW skills coaching” (similar to life coaching) before conflict arises or after a conciliation process to help individuals accelerate the development of key relational skills and reduce the frequency of conflict in the future.
RW skills coaching has the additional benefit of giving conciliators the opportunity to stay proficient in applying relational principles even if they do not have frequent conflict coaching or mediation cases.
Finally, since our relational wisdom resources are available in both faith-based and values-based (secular) paradigms that have been approved for continuing education credit in a variety of professions, Certified RW Conciliators will have opportunities to use their skills not only in churches and ministries but also in secular businesses, schools and other non-Christian settings, which can raise their community visibility and create more opportunities for teaching and conciliating.
In the light of these benefits, RW360 believes it can make a valuable contribution to the field of biblical peacemaking and Christian conciliation by developing a new generation of training resources that fully integrate the principles of relational wisdom, “4 G’s” peacemaking, RW skills coaching, conflict coaching and mediation.
How much training provided by other organizations will qualify for credit in RW360’s new integrated conciliator certification program?
Furthermore, because RW360’s new integrated conciliator training program is based on the same 4 G’s paradigm that served as the foundation for the conciliator training and certification program developed by Peacemaker Ministries during Ken Sande’s tenure as president, RW360 will grant full credit for the courses and experience completed through Peacemaker Ministries’ conciliator training and certification program.
If you have completed Peacemaker Ministries’ entire conciliator training and certification program and were approved as a Certified Christian Conciliator, you will be exempt from completing RW360’s standard coaching and mediation courses and practicums (saving approximately $1,500). To be approved as a Certified RW Conciliator™, however, you will be required to:
- Complete RW360’s Discovering Relational Wisdom 3.0 online course ($49, 8-10 hours) and Relational Peacemaking online course ($49, 8-10 hours, scheduled for release in July, 2021).
- Complete 6 hours of practical integration training that focuses on integrating relational wisdom, biblical peacemaking and Christian conciliation (to be offered online for $200 or live at our 2021 Annual Conference for $150).
- Acquire 14 hours of practical conciliation experience in which you integrate and apply the principles of relational wisdom, peacemaking and Christian conciliation (to be reviewed by an RW360 Conciliation Mentor for $100).
- Maintain your conciliation skills by acquiring 10 hours of approved continuing education (available online or at RW360’s annual conference) and 24 hours of practical conciliation experience (including at least one mediation case) annually.
- Commit to following RW360’s Conciliator Grievance Policy to resolve complaints based on possible deviations from the Standard of Conduct for Christian Conciliators.
If you have completed some but not all of the conciliator training provided by Peacemaker Ministries’ or any similar training provided by one of our other sister ministries, you may apply for exemption from corresponding segments of RW360’s Conciliator Training and Certification Program. These requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the extent of your previous training and experience.
If you do not expect to meet the annual experience requirements needed to maintain certification as a Certified RW Conciliator, we encourage you to use your teaching, coaching and conciliation gifts as a volunteer on a Peace Sower Team™ in your church or organization, or as a Certified RW Instructor™ or Certified RW Coach™ (more details here).
For further information on any of RW360’s training and certification programs, or on our 2021 Annual Conference in general, please email our RW Teamr, the RW Team, at mail@rw360.org.
Registration & Refunds
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What is the cost of the conference?
The registration fee for the pre-conference training is $175 for an individual and $300 for a married couple.
May I cancel my conference registration?
May I cancel my hotel reservation?
Possible COVID Limitations
Hotel Accommodations
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How do I book a hotel room?
What hotel room options will I have?
What amenities does the hotel provide?
May I cancel my hotel reservation?
Meals & Restaurants
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What meals are including with conference registration?
What meals can attendees arrange on their own?
What meal options are available for spouses who want to enjoy some R&R time in Billings but do not plan to attend any training?
Weather & Clothing
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What will the weather be like in September?
What is the typical dress for the conference itself?
Air & Ground Transportation
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What are my airline options?
What are my ground transportation options?
- We have given the hotel the arrival/departure information for all the people who have requested the RW360 shuttle service. You now have a confirmed reservation for your arrival and departure on the hotel shuttle.
- Along with your arrival time, we gave the hotel the time you want to be at the airport.
- When you check in at the hotel desk, please confirm your hotel departure time on Sunday morning.
- If the DoubleTree Shuttles are not at the airport when you arrive, they will be there shortly. They run every 15 minutes.
- If you want shuttle service, but you have not yet indicated that to us, you can contact the DoubleTree Hotel (406-252-7400) to make a shuttle reservation.
- To request shuttle services, please record your flight arrival and departure information on the auto-submit form.
Uber and Lyft options are also available in Billings.
If you prefer renting a car, you will also find most rental car services at Billings Logan International Airport. The DoubleTree Hotel provides free parking for conference attendees.
Attendee Checklist
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- Make hotel reservations. Attendees can contact the DoubleTree and reference the conference to get a special room rate of $109/night.
- Submit meal choices and transportation needs using the auto-submit form.
- Upon check in at the hotel, confirm with the receptionist that the hotel shuttle service will take you to the airport on Sunday 9/12/21.
- If you prefer renting a car, you will also find most rental car services at Billings Logan International Airport.
- Uber and Lyft services are also available.
- The DoubleTree Hotel provides free parking for conference attendees.
- Submit Workshop Survey.
- If you want to come prepared for workshops, download and print the handouts for the workshops you want to attend.
- RW360 will provide workshops short handouts at the conference.
- For Book Table purchases: Use Debit Card or Check.
- Attire: Casual and comfortable. If you want to dress up “a little” for the banquet, feel free.
- Weather: Typically, the average high-temperature at that time of year is 73.2°F (22.9°C), and the average low-temperature is 52.5°F (11.4°C).
2021 Annual Conference – “Sowing Peace”