In James 3:18, God makes a marvelous promise: “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”
This “sow to reap” metaphor reminds us that the more diligently we teach and nurture God’s relational principles, especially the gospel itself, the more we will see a harvest of peace, unity and godly relationships in our families, churches, ministries, schools and businesses.
As relationships thrive, the weeds of conflict have less room to grow, which opens the way for stronger families, more fruitful ministry and church growth, improved work performance, and, most importantly, a more compelling witness as Christians live out the gospel of peace in their families, workplaces and communities.
Our 2024 Southern Regional Sowing Peace Conference will provide an inspirational vision for building relationships that display the transforming power of Jesus and his gospel. Five keynotes and twenty-eight workshops will provide practical training on how to live out relational wisdom (enhanced emotional intelligence) and biblical peacemaking in daily life and especially in church leadership.
Our training and resources will also enable your church to establish a Peace Sower Team that provides ongoing teaching, coaching and conciliation services to your congregation and community. Such services have been proven to promote peace and unity, prevent divorces, promote evangelism and reduce the counseling burden on pastors (click here for Peace Sower Team details).
Please join us in Villa Rica, Georgia, on April 18-20 as we take hold of Jesus’ marvelous promise, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
Click here for speaker and workshop information and to register.
~ Ken Sande