Contact Us

Contact Form

If you would like to ask a general question or send us a message, please complete the form below or contact us by email, letter or phone.

If you would like to request advice or assistance in resolving a conflict, please use our Request Conciliation Assistance Form instead.

  • Email:
  • Address: 4460 Laredo Place, Billings, MT 59106
  • Phone: (406) 294-6806


Our Vision

RW360’s Vision is to be the leading global provider of training that equips people to build relationships and reduce conflict in ways that reflect the wisdom, love, justice and peace that is offered to us through Jesus Christ (John 14:27; Eph. 2:14; Phil. 4:6-7; 2 Thess. 3:16).

Our Mission

RW360’s Mission is to develop and deliver innovative, affordable training in relational wisdom, peacemaking, coaching and conciliation that equips people around the world with skills that strengthen relationships, prevent and resolve conflict and promote justice and peace in ways that reveal the transforming power of Jesus Christ.