Patti Damiani, Senior Ministry Consultant
Background & Certifications
Patti is a Certified Life and Leadership Coach with Professional Christian Coaching Institute (PCCI) as well as well as with International Coach Federation ICC). She is also a Certified Relational Wisdom Instructor with RW360. In 2006, Patti and her husband, Lou, founded Anchor Point Ministry to help church leaders and their congregations become spiritually strong and relationally healthy. A feature of her work has been coaching church ministry leaders in relational wisdom and conflict resolution skills since 2013. Since 2018, she also began to train and coach in Relational Wisdom in the marketplace utilizing Values Based Relational Wisdom.
Her passion is to merge relational wisdom training with coaching to enable individuals and work teams gain healthy relational team dynamics for greater personal growth and corporate productivity. She became increasingly passionate about coaching as she experienced how much teaching relational wisdom became transformational when combined with coaching.
Certifications:Advanced RW Instructor, Certified RW Coach
Coaching/Conciliation Focus Areas: Family (including mixed/foster), Marriage, Church/group, Business, Nonprofit, Employment