Denominational Training

by | Oct 14, 2024

Last week I had the privilege of teaching relational wisdom, peacemaking and Christian conciliation over two days to 200 Assembly of God (AG) denominational leaders. I was incredibly blessed by their warmth, humility and teachability, which was manifested again and again through their insightful and practical questions and their obvious eagerness to return home and begin utilizing our resources throughout their districts.

James 3:18 promises that “Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” Please join me in praying that God would fulfill this promise by graciously using this recent training to produce this kind of a harvest:

  • That these AG leaders would take advantage of the full scholarships they received to test drive our two foundational courses: Relational Wisdom and Relational Peacemaking.
  • That these leaders would spread these principles throughout their districts by encouraging their 37,000 credentialed ministers to take advantage of our free 2-hour Relationally Wise Leader course.
  • That many of AG churches would be inspired to follow Moses’ example in Exodus 18:13-27 by establishing Peace Sower Teams to provide ongoing training, coaching and conciliation services to their congregations.
  • That many AG churches would use our PACE (Professional and Community Engagement) resources to spread the gospel through community outreach, evangelism and church growth.
  • That the fruit of these activities will inspire the AG to accept my offer to help them develop their own in-house “Summit Training Teams” that are authorized to use RW360 resources to provide ongoing live training in relational wisdom, peacemaking and Christian conciliation to church leaders throughout their denomination.

This is just one of the many denominations God is giving RW360 the privilege to serve in these ways, but we have only scratched the surface.

If you think this type of training would be of value to your denomination, please share this post with your state (district, convention or presbytery) or national leaders and encourage them to contact us for information on our live webinars, seminars and custom training events.

Our training team is currently scheduling denominational events out to 2026, and we would love to explore ways we could be of service to your community of faith.

~ Ken

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

© 2024 Ken Sande

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