RW360 is pleased to announce its inaugural “Relational Wisdom Summit,” which is scheduled to be held on June 13-14, 2025, in Billings, Montana.
Summit / ‘suhm· it/ A high-level gathering of individuals with a shared interest and personal experience in a specialized field to participate in interactive conversations and exercises designed to deepen insights, improve skills, build relationships and expand networks.
A Relational Wisdom Summit is a live, two-day training event that enhances relational wisdom, peacemaking, instructor, coaching and conciliation skills through interactive, hands-on cross-training that includes Scripture exposition and application, discussion questions, testimonies, case studies, movie evaluations and real-life role plays.
The goal of these exercises is to work the principles of relational wisdom, peacemaking, coaching and conciliation so deeply into students’ hearts and minds that these concepts are converted into skills, then habits and finally a way of being.
Summits are open to people who have completed RW360’s two Foundational Training Courses (Discovering Relational Wisdom and Relational Peacemaking) and one of our Basic Assisting Courses (either RW Shepherd, PACE Instructor, RW Instructor or Introduction to RW Coaching + RW Coaching Skills). Foundational (relational wisdom and peacemaking) training requires 20+ hours of study, and assisting training requires 15+ hours of study, depending on the course you pursue and the time you invest in your studies (see our Academic Catalog).
In addition to improving relational wisdom and enhancing conflict prevention and resolution skills, Summits are designed to strengthen relationships and accelerate the development of Peace Sower Teams in churches, ministries and businesses and the use of PACE Program resources for outreach, evangelism and church growth.
Summit participation will satisfy the continuing education requirements for Certified RW Coaches™ and Certified RW Conciliators™ for two years.
Registration fee: $325/person.
Note: You may register and reserve a seat at a Summit before completing all the prerequisite training, but if you do not complete all the required training 30 days before a Summit, your registration will be bumped to a future Summit.
Summit Outcomes
The training that students are required to complete prior to a Summit event will give the group a shared experiential framework that enables them to carry out a series of cross-training exercises that advance seven outcomes.
- Students will build personal relationships and develop networks that they can turn to for encouragement, support and advice long after the Summit is over.
- Students will gain new insights from one another on how to model and practice relational wisdom and peacemaking in the family, church and workplace.
- Students will improve their ability to use coaching and conciliation skills to help other people strengthen relationships and resolve conflicts.
- Students will be inspired and equipped to use PACE Program materials for community service, evangelism and church growth.
- Students will be inspired and equipped to establish Peace Sower Teams in their home churches, ministries, schools or businesses to provide ongoing in-house training, coaching and conciliation services.
- Students will develop a deeper commitment to apply all these principles in their daily lives and a greater confidence that they can help others to do the same.
- As students see how others are using RW shepherding, instructing, coaching and conciliation skills, they will be inspired to pursue additional training
Interactive “ABC” Learning
- Affective learning – shaping emotions, values, attitudes and motivations that inspire godly relationships
- Behavioral learning – shaping purposeful actions, skills, habits and character through personal application and practice
- Cognitive learning – increasing knowledge while shaping thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation and application.
Training Format
The room will be set up with four people at a table. We will rotate through the exercise listed below, allowing the four people at each table to interact with the material for 10-20 minutes, depending on the content. The Summit leader will then draw the room together for group interaction, saying: “Let’s share some of the wisdom in this room. If someone at your table offered a particularly insightful observation, please raise your hand so you can share it with the whole group.” After several students share, we will move on to another exercise.
Student Input
We will develop exercises by seeking input from the entire RW360 network, asking people to submit issues, questions, scenarios and cases from their own lives.
Scripture Exposition and Application
The Bible will be our compass and map throughout this training. We will provide multiple opportunities for students to read and interpret relevant Bible passages and apply them to specific scenarios, discussion questions and case studies.
Practical Application Questions
We will provide real life family, church and workplace scenarios to set the stage for students to discuss practical ways to apply the principles of relational wisdom, peacemaking, coaching and conciliation in challenging situations.
Exercises will be designed to allow students to share testimonies on how God has enabled them to live out the principles of relational wisdom and peacemaking in their personal lives (e.g., Jenae Alexander), to serve others through coaching and conciliation, to teach PACE seminars and to build effective Peace Sower Teams.
Case Studies
We will discuss case studies based on real life family, church and workplace conflicts (similar to these case studies from our Relational Peacemaking course).
Movie Evaluations
We will show short movie clips like those used in RW Movie Blogs and our online courses and discuss select application questions.
Role Plays
We will set up short role plays with a written script and then give students the opportunity to practice specific RW, peacemaking, coaching and conciliation skills.
We will take advantage of the experience and wisdom of Summit students by brain-storming ways to improve our resources, training and strategies for spreading the gospel, strengthening the church and extending the kingdom of Christ.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions About this Summit
To register for this inaugural RW Summit, please click here.