Allison Pickering
Granbury, Texas
In order to be included in RW360’s Directory, this individual has fulfilled and affirmed these training and accountability requirements.
Advanced RW Instructor, Advanced RW Coach, Certified RW Conciliator, Christian ConciliatorCoaching/Conciliation Focus Areas:
- Church
- Family
- Organization
About Allison Pickering
Allison is a conciliator with Crossroads Resolution Group, serving individuals, marriages, families, churches and ministry organizations. She is a highly experienced conciliator, counselor, consultant, speaker and instructor of conflict resolution skills.
Allison’s work with very complex marriage, family, church and organizational conflict cases, gives her valuable insight into and experience in identifying key places that can move conflict resolution forward. Allison has a background of ministry experience which includes 18 years with an international campus ministry as well as serving in a key role on three church planting teams which contributes to her ability to understand the perspective of individuals in conflict as well as the structures and priorities of organizations and churches.