David Cato
Lenexa, Kansas
In order to be included in RW360’s Directory, this individual has fulfilled and affirmed these training and accountability requirements.
Advanced RW InstructorAbout David Cato
David Cato resides in Brasov, Romania. After earning a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies and starting a discipleship camp that’s been running since 2003, he moved to Romania where he is a missionary, church planter, entrepreneur, and non-profit director. Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana he has lived and worked in Europe for over 20 years. David became a certified RW360 Instructor in 2019. Since then he has had opportunities for training and applying RW in both university, business, and school contexts. Currently, he is completing graduate studies from Westminster Theological Seminary in Counseling, an area in which he is passionate. Along with his wife Amy, they have four active children.