Anything That Humbles Me Is Good for Me

by | Aug 21, 2016

Humility (250x250)Last week I had the privilege of hiking in the Montana wilderness with Rankin Wilbourne, a dear friend and pastor from southern California.

As we shared about the challenges, blessings and setbacks we’ve both experienced in our personal lives and ministries, Rankin said something I will never forget:

“I’ve discovered that anything that humbles me is good for me.”

Wow. That put many of my life experiences into a more helpful perspective.

I hope it will do the same for you.

– Ken Sande

PS – Rankin’s first book, Union with Christ, was just featured in Christianity Today. I’ve just started it myself, but I already see direct applications to relational wisdom. I commend it to you as book that will profoundly impact your relationship with God and the people around you.

Reflection Questions:

  • Restate or expand on Rankin’s statement in your own words.
  • How can this insight help us to deal with the inevitable struggles and failures of life in a fallen world?
  • Share an experience that humbled you and eventually proved to be good for you.

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

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