How Can You Forgive Me? I Killed Your Baby.

How Can You Forgive Me? I Killed Your Baby.

Click Here to Download PDF Alicia was born prematurely. Worse yet, she was born near the end of an exhausting NICU (newborn intensive care unit) shift. Two overworked nurses failed to properly connect the life support system in her incubator. As a result, little...
I Thought 40 Law Students Might Eat Me Alive

I Thought 40 Law Students Might Eat Me Alive

Law students love to flex their growing adversarial skills. Which is why I chose a state law school to test our newest training materials on relational wisdom and peacemaking. If I could survive the cross examination of the forty students sitting before me, I could...
Three Qualities that Improve Every Relationship

Three Qualities that Improve Every Relationship

After mediating hundreds of divorces, lawsuits, forced pastoral exits and church splits, I have learned that these types of conflicts usually involved one or more parties who lacked three critical character qualities: humility, teachability and flexibility. To put it...
10 Ways to Connect Deeply at Thanksgiving

10 Ways to Connect Deeply at Thanksgiving

Would you like to move beyond superficial conversation during your Thanksgiving gathering this year? Would you like to connect deeply with your family and friends and hear them share stories about the most meaningful people and events of their lives? If so, give each...
Walking in Wisdom with Kirk Cameron

Walking in Wisdom with Kirk Cameron

RW360 is proud to host Kirk Cameron at our December 3 Walking in Wisdom Webinar. Kirk is known by millions  for his starring roles in movies like “Fireproof,”  “The Love Dare,” “Left Behind”, “Monumental,” “The Homeschool Awakening” and his newest film “Lifemark,”...