Category: RW Blog
The Night My Father Died

The Night My Father Died

My mother passed away fifteen years ago on Christmas Eve. She was totally at peace and eager to see her Savior face-to-face. Not so my father. He was terrified as death approached. He had served as a prosecutor and trial judge for 30 years, declaring people guilty and...

Six Ways to Defeat Loneliness at Christmas

Six Ways to Defeat Loneliness at Christmas

Three weeks before Christmas, Wolfgang Dircks died while watching television. His body wasn’t discovered until five years later. None of the neighbors in his apartment complex noticed the absence of the 43-year-old. His rent continued to be paid automatically out of...

Using RW for Witnessing and Evangelism

Using RW for Witnessing and Evangelism

Would you like to see hundreds of people in your community hear the gospel in a winsome and practical way for the first time in their lives? Would you like to see new people walking in the door of your church with their families, hoping and expecting to have their...

Sowing Peace in a Culture of Conflict

Sowing Peace in a Culture of Conflict

The intense spiritual, racial, political and sexuality conflicts that are polarizing America have flooded into every part of daily life, including the church. As a result, Christians are regularly asking these kinds of agonizing questions: “My brother has declared...

7 Ways to Redeem an Offense

7 Ways to Redeem an Offense

A while ago, I received a complaint from a woman who I will call Ruth (not her real name) regarding a video clip I used in one of my blog posts. The video is called "It’s Not about the Nail." It features a graphic metaphor built around a woman with a nail in her...

2023 Annual Sowing Peace Conference

2023 Annual Sowing Peace Conference

The intense spiritual, racial, political and sexuality conflicts that are polarizing America have flooded into every part of daily life, including the church. Judging, attacking and canceling others has become a common practice. This behavior is fracturing families,...

Takeaways with Kirk Cameron

Takeaways with Kirk Cameron

A few weeks ago, I once again had the privilege of being interviewed by Kirk Cameron on his Takeaways show. As always, Kirk was highly energized as we explored "wisdom in relationships and taming the tongue." If you'd like to see a one-minute segment of our exchange,...

Raising Emotionally Stunted Boys

Raising Emotionally Stunted Boys

I’ve met with hundreds of couples who were struggling to save their marriages. One of the most common statements wives make in those meetings is, “There’s just no emotional connection between us. He hasn’t got a clue what I’m feeling or thinking.” In all too many...

10 Ways to Connect Deeply at Thanksgiving

10 Ways to Connect Deeply at Thanksgiving

Would you like to move beyond superficial conversation during your Thanksgiving gathering this year? Would you like to connect deeply with your family and friends and hear them share stories about the most meaningful people and events of their lives? If so, give each...

17 Ways to Respond to Explosive Politics

17 Ways to Respond to Explosive Politics

This coming week, millions of people will be rejoicing or weeping as the 2022 political season comes to its climactic end. The emotions that are now building to a crescendo will not dissipate quickly or harmlessly. Many family, workplace and church relationships will...

Report on Capitol Hill Training

Report on Capitol Hill Training

Thank you for your prayer support during my training in Washington, D.C. last week. What an exhilarating experience! The training for congressional staff was rewarding for me as we engaged in discussions on how to apply the principles of relational wisdom not only in...

Training on Capitol Hill

Training on Capitol Hill

Lord willing, this morning I will have the privilege of teaching a three-hour relational wisdom seminar to congressional staff on Capitol Hill. This training was arranged by a U.S. Congresswoman who has become an advocate for RW and peacemaking in our nation’s...

Download Conference Recordings

Download Conference Recordings

By God's grace, our recent Sowing Peace Conference was a great success. In addition to enjoying outstanding worship and warm fellowship, we were blessed with 40+ keynote sessions and workshops that deepened our ability to model, practice and teach relational wisdom,...

Takeaways with Kirk Cameron

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of being interviewed by Kirk Cameron on his Takeaways show. It was one of the most stimulating interviews I've ever done, largely because Kirk himself became so energized as we explored the power of biblical peacemaking. If you'd...