Don Hicks
Lynchburg, Virginia
In order to be included in RW360’s Directory, this individual has fulfilled and affirmed these training and accountability requirements.
Christian ConciliatorCoaching/Conciliation Focus Areas:
- Church Conflict Mediation/Arbitration
- Church Conflict Coaching for Church Leaders
- Church Crises Interventionist Consultant
- Pastor Forced Termination Interventionist
- Christian Conciliation
- Conflict Coaching for Pastors and Church Leaders
About Don Hicks
Dr. Donald Hicks is the Founder & President of Church Health Solutions. He has been in the ministry for 48 years, serving as a Senior Pastor, Transitional Pastor, Church Conflict Mediator, and Graduate Assistant Professor for the last 16 years for Liberty University John W. Rawlings School of Divinity. Over a hundred churches and over a thousand pastors and church leaders, as well as several denomination leaders, have been encouraged and helped by his biblical preaching, teaching, coaching, consulting, and mediation skills. See more at Don’s YouTube channel and website churchhealthsolutions.com.