Category: Articles

The Dangers of “Good” Advocacy

 One of the cases referred to me by a major arbitration organization involved a large contract dispute. Although the facts and the law were clearly in the defendant's favor, the plaintiff's attorney did a masterful job advocating his client's position. Testimony that...

The Myths of Divorce

The Myths of Divorce Most of us would not consider ourselves to be gullible or naïve, yet Scripture often reminds us, “Do not be deceived.” (e.g., James 1:16, Gal. 6:7). In truth, we are easily deceived. We often latch on to a piece of “worldly wisdom” that sounds...

Articles on EI/EQ

This is a representative sample of the thousands of articles on the internet regarding emotional intelligence, also known as EI or EQ (emotional quotient), in a wide variety of venues, including the workplace, sales, education, healthcare, the military, politics, and...

Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart

By Ken Sande, Founder of Peacemaker Ministries and Relational Wisdom 360 When I was in law school, I witnessed one of the most dramatic spiritual battles I have ever seen. Two members of a religious cult were handing out tracts in the student union building and trying...

Seven Steps to Empathy

Without empathy, it’s hard to have real relationship. The good news is that since each of us is made in the image of God, we have a natural capacity for developing and exercising God-like empathy. Are you practicing this marvelous gift in your life? If not, here is an...

Gospel Promise List

As of August 8, 2014 (please send suggested additions to “God has given you a priceless gift: eternal life through Jesus Christ” (Rom. 6:23). “The Lord set his love on you before he even created the world … so it obviously has nothing to do with...

Wired to Be 3D: RW and Tri-Perspectivalism

God designed us to be three-dimensional in our relationships. Align yourself with this design, and your relationships prosper. Ignore it and they will inevitably suffer. The is the uniform message of Holy Scripture, early church patriarchs, and more recent theologians...

Journaling RW

One of the most effective ways to improve your relational skills is to keep a journal that records your insights and lessons on how you relate to God, yourself, and others. The following list of possible content is suggestive; record only the information that is...

Emotion in Christian Anthropology

Dr. Brian G. Mattson Senior Scholar of Public Theology, Center for Cultural Leadership Relational Wisdom 360 is committed to helping Christians better understand their relationships with God and with others. Integral to this is understanding God, ourselves, and...

Charitable Judgements: An Antidote to Judging Others

I Knew It! “I knew he was too proud to take criticism,” thought Anne, “and now I have proof!” On the previous Sunday, Anne had dropped a prayer card in the offering plate asking her pastor to stop in and pray with her when she went to the hospital for some minor...