Category: Home Page
Asking Parents to Give Up Their Keys

Asking Parents to Give Up Their Keys

One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was to ask my mother and my mother-in-law to give up their car keys. Doing it with each of them on the same day (since they both lived with us) was especially difficult. Our moms loved running their own errands, going out for...

A Wave of Confessions Saves a Church

A Wave of Confessions Saves a Church

At last he had his chance. Clutching his prepared statement in his hand, Mark sat down in the front pew, ready to get even with the elders (all names have been changed). Six months earlier they had refused to support his promotion to senior pastor. They had stood...

Pastor Resolves a Texas Football Scandal

Pastor Resolves a Texas Football Scandal

As pastor Kent drove home from our peacemaking training, he had no idea how quickly his new skills would be put to the test. He had barely walked through the door when his wife informed him about a conflict that was dividing their small town. Three high school...

Is Your Church Prepared for Conflict?

Is Your Church Prepared for Conflict?

What would your church do if it was suddenly asked to resolve conflicts like these among your members? A couple has lost their baby through the negligence of two nurses A man has confessed to molesting several children in your youth ministry Several adult siblings are...

Relational Wisdom Summit

Relational Wisdom Summit

RW360 is pleased to announce its inaugural "Relational Wisdom Summit," which is scheduled to be held on June 13-14, 2025, in Billings, Montana.  Summit / ‘suhm· it/ A high-level gathering of individuals with a shared interest and personal experience in a specialized...

How Can You Forgive Me? I Killed Your Baby.

How Can You Forgive Me? I Killed Your Baby.

Click Here to Download PDF Alicia was born prematurely. Worse yet, she was born near the end of an exhausting NICU (newborn intensive care unit) shift. Two overworked nurses failed to properly connect the life support system in her incubator. As a result, little...

I Thought 40 Law Students Might Eat Me Alive

I Thought 40 Law Students Might Eat Me Alive

Law students love to flex their growing adversarial skills. Which is why I chose a state law school to test our newest training materials on relational wisdom and peacemaking. If I could survive the cross examination of the forty students sitting before me, I could...

Three Qualities that Improve Every Relationship

Three Qualities that Improve Every Relationship

After mediating hundreds of divorces, lawsuits, forced pastoral exits and church splits, I have learned that these types of conflicts usually involved one or more parties who lacked three critical character qualities: humility, teachability and flexibility. To put it...

10 Ways to Connect Deeply at Thanksgiving

10 Ways to Connect Deeply at Thanksgiving

Would you like to move beyond superficial conversation during your Thanksgiving gathering this year? Would you like to connect deeply with your family and friends and hear them share stories about the most meaningful people and events of their lives? If so, give each...

Walking in Wisdom with Kirk Cameron

Walking in Wisdom with Kirk Cameron

RW360 is proud to host Kirk Cameron at our December 3 Walking in Wisdom Webinar. Kirk is known by millions  for his starring roles in movies like “Fireproof,”  “The Love Dare,” “Left Behind”, “Monumental,” “The Homeschool Awakening” and his newest film “Lifemark,”...

Denominational Training

Denominational Training

Last week I had the privilege of teaching relational wisdom, peacemaking and Christian conciliation over two days to 200 Assembly of God (AG) denominational leaders. I was incredibly blessed by their warmth, humility and teachability, which was manifested again and...

The Compassionate Boxer

The Compassionate Boxer

Would you like to grow in relational wisdom? If so, please take a few minutes to watch a brief clip from the movie, Cinderella Man, which is packed with some of the best examples of relational wisdom I've ever seen. Russell Crowe plays the part of a real life hero...