Category: RW Blog
Free Training for First Responders

Free Training for First Responders

In recognition of the sacrifices that first responders make for our country every day, RW360 is offering free registration for our 2021 Sowing Peace Conference to people who serve in the military or law enforcement or as fire fighters, EMTs, paramedics, nurses, crisis...

Building Passport

Building Passport

I have dozens of passports, and I need to renew them constantly. No, I’m not James Bond or Jason Bourne. I don’t fly from country to country using alternative identities to evade the NSA, CIA, or MI6. I just love people. I enjoy meeting, understanding, encouraging and...

A Cripple Walks, Leaps and Runs!

A Cripple Walks, Leaps and Runs!

2021 Harvest Report The COVID crisis crippled our live training this year … but we serve a God who loves to display his grace and expand his kingdom by making cripples walk, leap and run! So as soon as we saw all of our live seminars being cancelled last spring, we...

Please Help Us Help Others

Please Help Us Help Others

A few days ago, an exhausted nurse named Samantha requested a scholarship to our online training. Here’s what she wrote to me: “I work in our COVID unit and I am having a difficult time dealing with the stress and burn out. I was sick from COVID for 7 weeks and was...

Give the Gift of Relationship

Give the Gift of Relationship

The holiday season often presents three challenging questions: First, “What meaningful gift can I give to the special people in my life this Christmas?” Second, “Is there a way that our family, church or business can improve its ability to deal with the relational...

10 Ways to Connect Deeply at Thanksgiving

10 Ways to Connect Deeply at Thanksgiving

Would you like to move beyond superficial conversation during your Thanksgiving gathering this year? Would you like to connect deeply with your family and friends and hear them share stories about the most meaningful people and events of their lives? If so, give each...

32 Ways to Enjoy Highly Relational Holidays

32 Ways to Enjoy Highly Relational Holidays

If you're like most people, the coming holiday season will be either the best time of the year or the worst time of the year ... and it will probably depend largely on the condition of your relationships. To help you make this the best season ever, we’ve compiled...

The Last Human Freedom

The Last Human Freedom

“The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude.” So wrote Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust, living through the deprivation and horrors of both Auschwitz and Dachau. Consider the background for his writing...

17 Ways to Respond to Explosive Politics

17 Ways to Respond to Explosive Politics

In a little over a week, millions of people will be rejoicing or weeping as the 2020 political season comes to its climactic end. The emotions that are now building to a crescendo will not dissipate quickly or harmlessly. Many family, workplace and church...