Speaking for Home School Conferences
RW360 staff have served as plenary and workshop speakers for Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) Conferences as well as state conferences in Arizona, California, Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. In addition, HSLDA has approved our online course for inclusion in its “PerX” (membership benefits) program.
A Biker with Amazing Relational Skills illustrates how relational wisdom can be used to encourage an exhausted home school mother.
Ken Sande is the founder of Peacemaker Ministries and Relational Wisdom 360. Trained as an engineer, lawyer, and mediator, Ken has conciliated hundreds of family, business, church, and legal conflicts. As president of RW360, he now focuses on teaching people how to “get upstream of conflict” by building strong relationships in the family, church, and workplace. He teaches internationally and is the author of numerous books, articles, and training resources, including The Peacemaker, which has sold over 500,000 copies in seventeen languages. He is certified as a Relational Wisdom Instructor and Christian Conciliator, as well as an Emotional Intelligence Instructor, and has served as an Editorial Adviser for Christianity Today. He and his wife, Corlette, home-schooled their two children.
Jeff Sande is RW360’s Director of Training and Marketing. He began teaching relational wisdom at 18 and became a Certified Relational Wisdom Instructor at 21. Jeff leads RW360’s Millennial Speaking team and has traveled globally, receiving outstanding reviews for his presentations at churches, youth conferences and corporate training seminars. He graduated from Montana State University-Billings with a double major in business management and marketing, and is also a Certified Development Professional. He has a Black Belt in Tai Kwon Do, has served as a mentor to elementary school students and has volunteered at schools and camps to teach peacemaking to young children. He and his wife, Becca, are applying relational wisdom with each other and their energetic son.
Corlette Sande is RW360’s Director of Ministry Relations. She has degrees in elementary education and counseling and is certified as a Relational Wisdom Instructor. She has specialized in counseling families and children and mediating child custody disputes. She authored The Young Peacemaker curriculum, which has been used to teach conflict resolution to parents and children around the world. She travels frequently with Ken, enhancing his teaching with her own insights and experience and providing personal encouragement and counsel to many of the people who attend RW360 events.
Background Information on Relational Wisdom
Discover Relational Wisdom provides an introduction to the foundational principles and skills of relational wisdom.
Preparing Children for Highly Relational Lives illustrates how teaching relational wisdom can make homeschooling more peaceful while giving children skills that will strengthen their marriages, advance their careers, and enhance their witness for Christ.
Raising Empathetic Children illustrates how to help children develop empathy, one of the key skills of relational wisdom.
Overcoming Artificial Maturity with Relational Wisdom illustrates how children can apply relational wisdom … and show more appreciation for their mothers’ hard work.
Additional applications of relational wisdom are described in the parenting, marriage, leadership and workplace sections of our website.
These testimonies from ten homeschooled children in one family illustrate how children as young as ten years old can understand and apply the key principles of relational wisdom.
Our interactive online course allows parents and students to study RW together on their smartphones, tablets or computers.
Sample Speaking Topics
Note: Many of these workshops can be adjusted for either an adult or teen audience.
Relational Wisdom: Preparing Children for Life (typical plenary by Ken Sande) — Relational wisdom—a gospel-driven form of emotional intelligence—is your ability to discern emotions and interests in yourself and in others, to interpret them in the light of God’s Word, and to use these insights to manage your responses and relationships successfully. In this life-changing message, Ken Sande will describe the biblical and neurological basis for relational wisdom and show how these skills can lead to less stressful and more productive home school experience while also preparing children for durable marriages, better job performance and a more credible witness for Christ.
Relational Wisdom: Preparing for Life (typical plenary by Jeff Sande) — Relational wisdom—a gospel-driven form of emotional intelligence—is your ability to discern emotions and interests in yourself and in others, to interpret them in the light of God’s Word, and to use these insights to manage your responses and relationships successfully. In this life-changing message, Jeff Sande will describe the basic principles of relational wisdom and show how these skills can reduce conflict, promote close family relationships and prepare young adults for close friendships, durable marriages, better job performance and a more credible witness for Christ.
Harnessing the Power of Emotions – Emotions are wired into all people by God’s design and are tied to our greatest joys and accomplishments of life … as well as our greatest struggles and agonies. In this workshop we will explore the biblical nature of emotions, how God intends them to enrich our lives, and how we can channel both negative and positive emotions into constructive action.
Raising Empathetic Children – Every person is made in the image of God and therefore has a natural capacity for developing and exercising Christ-like empathy. Like all character qualities and skills, this capacity can be deliberately cultivated, beginning as early as two years of age. As children grow in empathy and compassion, they can enjoy more positive friendships, more fulfilling and durable marriages, and a more compelling witness for Christ.
Resolving Everyday Conflict – Enjoy a more peaceful and productive classroom by learning how to teach your children how to resolve conflict constructively by discerning the heart desires (idols) that fuel conflict, sincerely confessing their wrongs, graciously confronting others and practicing meaningful forgiveness.
Gospel Driven Peacemaking – Learn how the gospel supercharges basic peacemaking skills and inspires and enables Christians to bring peace, unity and reconciliation in situations that the world says are beyond repair.
The Negotiation Skills of Solomon – Take a look at the negotiation skills that the heroes of the Bible used in resolving conflicts with hostile civil authorities, critical relatives, and oppressive employers—the same kinds of people home school families sometimes need to negotiate with today!
Overcoming Artificial Maturity – The “iY Generation” (22 and younger) has acquired massive amounts of electronic information … often without practical experience and associated responsibility. This creates an artificial maturity that leaves them ill-equipped for real life. This workshop provides vivid examples of the devastating impact of such immaturity and, more importantly, practical guidance on how teens can develop relational skills that will enable them to enjoy successful marriages, careers, and ministries.
Relational Wisdom in the Movies – Most of our children watch hundreds of hours of electronic media every year … often with little benefit. This workshop will provide practical guidance on how to use popular Hollywood movies to teach life-changing relational skills to your children.
Young Peacemakers – This workshop, which is based on Corlette Sande’s highly acclaimed curriculum, The Young Peacemaker, provides an overview of twelve peacemaking principles that parents can teach to pre-school and grade school children to equip them to resolve conflict quickly and develop character qualities that prevent future conflicts.
Managing Change – Change is one of the most frequent causes of conflict, whether in the home, office, church, or on a home school board. This workshop will provide a strategy for managing change in a way that builds unity, honors the “old guard,” empowers the “new guard” and inspires entire groups to see every transition in life as an opportunity to grow in character and become more useful to God.
Other topics: there are dozens of other topics listed on our home page; if any of these is of particular relevance to your group at this time, we would be happy to discuss the possibility of developing a custom workshop for you.
For More Information
Contact the RW Team at mail@rw360.org
To submit a preliminary inquiry about having an RW360 staff member speak for your organization, please use this form.
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