RW Blog
The SOG Plan

The SOG Plan

Do you know an impulsive teenager? A frustrated wife? A detached husband? A resentful employee? A contentious church member? A relationally clumsy pastor? If...

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Silencing Gossip

How can you stop gossip and other critical talk in its tracks? Always be ready to ask three simple questions. If someone begins to share confidential or...

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Clarity Plus Charity

Clarity Plus Charity

Last week I posted a story on my blog entitled “Time to Let Go.” In that post I included this statement: “Sometimes [letting go] will call for … accepting a...

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Time to Let Go

Time to Let Go

When I was in college, I tried to impress a young lady by taking her canoeing on a rapidly flowing stream. I chose a bad stretch of water, and within fifteen...

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Join Me on an EGG Hunt

Join Me on an EGG Hunt

Chocolate is nice, but there’s another kind of Easter egg that is infinitely better. It’s called an “Evidence of God’s Grace,” or more simply, an “EGG.” EGGs...

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My two-year-old grandson has major idolatry issues … and you may have a similar problem. When he wakes from a nap, his first word is, “Vroom!” When he...

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Be Kind

She stood in line quietly crying, holding onto a metal sign to steady herself. I’d just arrived at the airport gate, ready to catch my flight back to Billings...

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100% Responsible

100% Responsible

When my wife was an elementary school counselor, students were often sent to her office because of conflict. As they told her their stories, many of these...

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Shooting My Car

I almost shot my car after one of our Montana blizzards. A foot of wet snow had fallen in just a few hours and the roads were impossible. I’d been out earlier...

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