RW Blog
I Believe in You!

I Believe in You!

My heart is glad every time I receive an email or phone call from my dear friend, Mart Green. It’s partly because he’s always praising God for how he’s moving...

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Battleground Europe

Battleground Europe

I’m sending this post from Wisla, Poland, where Chip Zimmer and I are teaching at the European Leadership Forum. ELF has gathered 700 evangelical leaders from...

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Going Global

Going Global

Relational turmoil is undermining the witness of Christians all around the world. Family strife and divorce, church splits, workplace conflict, lawsuits...

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Breathe Grace

Breathe Grace

Highly relational people love to breathe grace. They draw continually on the goodness and power of Jesus Christ, and then they breathe his love, kindness and...

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G’Day Mate!

G’Day Mate!

I had the privilege of spending the last week with some delightful brothers and sisters in Christ “Down Under.” During my time in Australia, I spoke to the...

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13 Dogs and 1 Cat

13 Dogs and 1 Cat

I recently found thirteen dogs and one cat who show us how to enjoy a peaceful holiday meal. In the process they demonstrate a central dynamic of relational...

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A Two Week Sprint

A Two Week Sprint

I love to run. Primarily because it takes me away from electronic distractions and gives me time alone with God. Running also triggers the release of...

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A Common Lust

A Common Lust

I share a lust with St. Augustine. Although he was a pillar of the church, he regularly prayed, “O Lord, deliver me from this lust of always vindicating...

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Always Bring the Gospel

Always Bring the Gospel

I’m ashamed to admit that I find it easier to bring the law to other people than I do the gospel. By “law” I mean all the “thou shalt” passages. You know, the...

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Where Sorrow Begins

Where Sorrow Begins

C. H. Spurgeon wrote, “Where self begins, sorrow begins.” That’s a diagnosis that explains most of my unhappy moments. Angry? Usually because I am not getting...

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Peter, James, and John were hijacked. So was Paul. The same was true of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Rachel … even David, the man after God’s own heart. Chances...

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Look Up

Look Up

“I have four hundred and twenty-two friends, yet I’m lonely.” So starts a video clip that’s been viewed six million times in just one week—and stirred up some...

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Learn RW Online

Learn RW Online

We are pleased to announce that both the Discovering Relational Wisdom Seminar video series and the RW Personal Study Course are now available online. These...

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Gospel Outpouring

Gospel Outpouring

Relational wisdom is an outpouring of the gospel. It is one of the primary blessings unleashed through faith in Christ and therefore has the potential to...

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Olympic RW

Jessica Long was born in Siberia … without legs. Left at a grim orphanage as a baby, she’s gone on to win twelve gold medals. I’d give her a thirteenth, in...

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Alone Yet Not Alone

Alone Yet Not Alone

Joni Eareckson Tada’s superb new song, Alone Yet Not Alone, is stirring up a lot of controversy in Hollywood. I hope it stirs you up as well by reminding you...

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R Before I

R Before I

When I’m in a business, church, or ministry meeting, my tendency is to get to the issues as quickly as possible. If I give into this urge, I usually regret...

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I Am Christ’s!

I Am Christ’s!

I wake up some mornings and feel overwhelmed before I even get out of bed. Ministry challenges, relational concerns, personal weaknesses, past failures and...

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Wired to be 3D

Wired to be 3D

A slightly expanded version of this post is available here. God designed us to be three-dimensional in our relationships. Align yourself with this design, and...

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Ready to Be Robbed

Jessica Eaves was recently robbed in her local grocery story. But she was ready … not with a Taser but with the Word of God. It happened so quickly. As she...

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The Perfect Present

The Perfect Present

Are you already dreading the challenge of holiday shopping? Finding the right gifts for people who already have more stuff than they know what to do with?...

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Do a 180

Do a 180

Sin-tainted emotions often provide helpful navigation points … and excellent opportunities to practice the six core skills of relational wisdom. When you...

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Parting in Peace

Parting in Peace

My big brother died three days ago. Steve was diagnosed with cancer in 1999 and was told he had only a year to live. Not willing to leave his family so soon,...

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Gentle Shepherding

Gentle Shepherding

Tom called me for advice on how to deal with a church elder’s daughter who was pregnant out of wedlock. Half of his elder board was insisting that she appear...

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Don’t Overlook

Don’t Overlook

A lot of Christian leaders are being abruptly removed from their posts these days. Pastors, seminary presidents, ministry CEOs. In many cases, they were fired...

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R U Morally Superior?

R U Morally Superior?

There is one thing you must do in order to judge others, hold a grudge or indulge bitterness. You must constantly affirm yourself as being morally superior to...

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Spreading RW

Spreading RW

Would you like to improve your relational skills? Better yet, would you like the people around you to join with you in developing relational wisdom? If so,...

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A Disastrous Employee

A Disastrous Employee

Ben was one of the most gifted and yet deeply flawed executives I’ve ever encountered. When I was asked to mediate tensions within the leadership team of his...

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Confession Killers

Confession Killers

If you want to make a confession utterly worthless, use one of these three phrases. “I’m sorry if I’ve done something to upset you.” When you use these words,...

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